Donation Form
Help us amplify the work of artists of Ukrainian origin and scholars who
research Ukrainian cultural heritage by making a tax-deductible gift*.
By contributing any amount, you make a difference!

Here are a few examples of how your donation can make an impact:
Use the online form to donate quickly and securely via Little Green Light (CRM).
Checks can be made payable to: "Borshch of Art" and mailed to:
Borshch of Art
Attn: Anastasia Gudko
447 Broadway, 2nd Fl. Suite 587
New York NY 10013
Please add “Donation” in the check description
The Borshch of Art is a registered charitable nonprofit. Our taxpayer ID is 88-3836025
*Please note that our 501c3 status is pending.
We also accept donations by PayPal