Fellowship cohorts and community
During the Ukrainian-American Arts Research Fellowship's 12-week cycle, participants will conduct independent research toward writing a comprehensive paper, consistent with their originally-proposed thesis. Fellows will be expected to attend bi-weekly virtual meetings with Borshch of Art staff who will provide guidance and support of Fellows' research pursuits.
There will be two Fellowship cycles per year corresponding with Spring and Fall semesters; cohorts will include Fellows from two cycles - papers will be published and presented together at a Borshch of Art event. For Fellows who are interested in presenting their research at partner events, industry or academic conferences, Borshch of Art staff may provide additional support.
As the cohorts of Ukrainian-American Arts Research Fellows grow, alumni will be encouraged to stay connected to the community, attend events, and contribute to building a professional network.

- The fellowship is open to recent college graduates, graduate students, and pre-doctoral students who are studying one of the following subjects (but not limited to): art history, arts administration, creative writing, art journalism, art criticism, and curatorial practice.
- All fellowship meetings will be held virtually on Zoom. Presentation events may be both in-person and virtual depending on the cycle and program schedule.
- The paper must be between 15-20 pages (at least 3500 words) and provide a comprehensive response to the original thesis.
- The paper must not have been previously published in any academic or commercial publication.
- The paper should be properly formatted in MLA style, and of publishable quality.
- Fellows are expected to conduct research and attend necessary virtual meetings throughout the duration of the 12-week fellowship.
- Fellows are expected to meet the deadlines and complete all responsibilities as outlined in the agreement. If a fellow does not deliver a paper of recognised quality by the designated deadline, the paper will not be published, and the fellow will not be included in any subsequent fellowship activities.
- Fellows agree to grant Borshch of Art distribution rights to the final research paper by signing the necessary paperwork.